strawberry plants, How to Grow Strawberries

on Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

Strawberries are ideal fruit for benefiting from the use of cloches to produce earlier and better fruit.if you want to buy cloches online from our approved suppliers. Alternatively, to go to our in depth article on how to select and use cloches with specific details on how and when to use cloches on strawberries to produce earlier and better fruit.

Summer fruiting strawberry plants crop over a very short period, not much more than three weeks. Perpetual strawberries however, produce three flushes of fruit, cropping throughout the entire summer.

The majority of shop-bought strawberries in the UK have been grown abroad and transported all the way from the Canary Islands to England - strawberries do not travel well. The taste of home-grown garden strawberries is undoubtedly a hundred times better than the commercial varieties. Have a go at growing your own strawberries with GardenAction know-how, hints and tips.

How to Grow Strawberries - Where?

Frost is the first thought when considering where to grow strawberry plants in your garden. They are very hardy plants during the winter but are not so hardy when they burst into life in spring. Strawberries produces flowers early in the Spring and because they are close to the ground, it is important to position strawberries where they have least risk of frost. The highest ground is always the best. Frost damage when they start into growth will occur if the temperature drops below -2°C or -4°C with cloche or poly-tunnel protection.

Strawberries are ideal fruit for benefiting from the use of cloches to produce earlier and better fruit. if you want to buy cloches online from our approved suppliers. Alternatively,o go to our in depth article on how to select and use cloches with specific details on how and when to use cloches on strawberries to produce earlier and better fruit.

The next considerations are sun and wind - grow them in the sunniest position in the garden and in the least windy. Too much wind and insects will be unable to pollinate the plants. One tip, don't plant strawberries where peppers, tomatoes, eggplant and potatoes have been grown - these plants could pass on verticillium wilt, a serious strawberry disease. Neither should strawberries be grown on land which has recently had grass growing on it - there will undoubtedly be a large number of wireworms on such land who will enjoy eating your strawberries long before you get your chance!

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