Hanging Strawberry Baskets

on Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

strawberry plants, Suspending strawberries off the ground is a great way to keep slugs, snails, and sow bugs off them. Five to six strawberry plants can grow in the top of a hanging basket in the spring. But if you want to make the ultimate hanging strawberry basket, gather 24 strawberry plants, a 16 inch wire basket, potting soil, and some sphagnum moss, coconut fiber or a specially designed basket liner. Line the wire basket with the damp sphagnum moss, coconut fiber or basket liner. Insert 18 of the plants into the basket sides through the sphagnum moss. After you have finished, fill the basket with potting soil and planting the remaining plants in the top of the basket. The basket will continue to produce fruit for about three years.

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