strawberry plants, There are many different varieties of strawberries; however, all fall into one of three categories: June-bearing, everbearing or day neutral. June-bearing strawberries produce a large, concentrated crop once a year during a three-week period, usually in June as their name suggests. Everbearing, also called ever bearing, strawberries produce two crops of strawberries, one in the spring and another in the late summer or fall. Day neutral are often considered new improved everbearers. They are capable of bearing fruit continuously from June through September. Day neutral strawberries prefer cooler temperatures, however, and will not flower or bear fruit during hot weather.
Within each of the categories are a number of different varieties. Which one you choose depends upon your climate, growing conditions, and when you want the fruit to ripen. For example, red alpine strawberries (an everbearer) are usually the best choice if you intend to grow your strawberries indoors because they are more tolerant to shady conditions. The Brighton variety, another everbearer, is known for doing well in hanging baskets. If you plan to keep your plants outdoors, check with your local greenhouse to see what varieties will grow best in your area.
Within each of the categories are a number of different varieties. Which one you choose depends upon your climate, growing conditions, and when you want the fruit to ripen. For example, red alpine strawberries (an everbearer) are usually the best choice if you intend to grow your strawberries indoors because they are more tolerant to shady conditions. The Brighton variety, another everbearer, is known for doing well in hanging baskets. If you plan to keep your plants outdoors, check with your local greenhouse to see what varieties will grow best in your area.
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